School of Arts for Children № 4
Bukcharestskaya str., 35, korp. 1, St. Petersburg, 192071, Russia
Tel.: +7 (812) 360 1717, +7 (812) 360 6274
1) Application form available on the Competition’s website («Competition» – «Application»);
2) Photocopy of an official document indicating date of birth;
3) Current photographs, including at least portrait photo, to be used in Competition publications (electronic version 300–600 dpi;
accepted formats – jpg, gif, png, jpeg).
4) Video recording of the repertoire of the Competition’s qualification stage (see 18 the Rules); the video image must show the
pianist’s hands while playing and the right side of his/her whole figure, filmed with one camera without cuts during the performance of a
piece. Volume control in the recording is not allowed. All pieces should be recorded in one place and at one time
5) Proof of payment of the application fee of 10000 Rubles. The candidate’s name and the purpose of the payment should be
14. THE APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION should be completed not later than 1 April, 2023.
15. APPLICANTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE in the qualifying round without advance payment. In case of failure to pass
the qualifying round,
the registration fee is not refunded.
16. THE RESULTS OF THE QUALIFYING ROUND will be published on the competition website no later than
20 April, 2023.
17. PERFORMING THE COMPETITION PROGRAMME participants should strictly follow the order of compositions fixed in their
The declared programme cannot be changed, it is also not allowed to change compositions over from one round to
another, as well as replace and repeat
compositions. Participants who infringe these terms will be considered as hors-concourse
participants and the Jury will not estimate their performances.
18. THE VIDEO RECORDING must contain two pieces (at the discretion of an applicant), including an etude. Comment: it is possible
that these pieces will not be included into the Competition performances.
19. THE SECRETARIAT OF THE COMPETITION sends a confirmation of receipt to the candidates who have submitted applications
for participation in the Competition. Each participant will be informed about the passage of the qualifying round additionally to the
contact e-mail specified in the application.
20. EACH CONTESTANT will be additionally informed about the passage of the qualifying stage at the e-mail address specified in the
application. The list of those admitted to participate in the 1st round is also published on the official website of the competition.
21. ALL SUBMITTED MATERIALS AND DOCUMENTS for the Contest will not be returned.
22. PARTICIPANTS OF THE COMPETITION should keep copies of all sent documents
until the end of the competition.
are not accepted for consideration.
24. IN THE EVENT OF ANY DISPUTES on the information written in these Terms,
the Terms in the Russian language shall prevail.
1) The first round: several compositions contrasting by their character. The length of round no more than 10 minutes.
2) The second round: several pieces by the composers of different styles, including one piece of a composer of the participant’s country
and 1st movement of a classical sonata (Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, etc.). The length of round no more than more than 15 minutes.
The pieces may be performed in any order.
Should the contestant overrun the time limit, the Jury may stop his/her performance.
3) The third round: First movement of a piano concerto:
BACH – Concerto № 1 d minor BWV 1052
BACH – Concerto № 5 f minor BWV 1056
HAYDN – Concerto D major Hob. XVIII/II
MOZART – Concerto A major KV 414
BEETHOVEN – Concerto № 1 C major op.15
Comment: the candidate is free to choose the concerto also from the category B repertoire.
1) The first round: one virtuoso etude (Moszkowski, Chopin, Liszt, Rachmaninov, Debussy, etc.), the 1st movement of a classical sonata
(Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven) and a polyphonic piece (Bach, Hendel, Corelli, Shostakovich, Shchedrin) chosen by participant. The length
of round no more than 20 minutes.
2) The second round: several pieces by the composers of different styles, including one piece of a composer of the participant’s
country. The length of round no more than 25 minutes.
The pieces may be performed in any order.
Should the contestant overrun the time limit, the Jury may stop his/her performance.
3) The third round: performance of the First movement of a piano concerto:
BEETHOVEN – Concerto № 3 c minor op. 37
BEETHOVEN – Concerto № 4 G major op. 58
MOZART – Concert № 20 d minor KV 466
MOZART – Concert № 21 С major KV 467
CHOPIN – Concerto № 1 e minor
GRIEG – Concerto a minor op. 16
RACHMANINOFF – Concerto № 2 c minor op.18
PROKOFIEV – Concerto № 1 D flat major
Comment: the candidate is free to choose the concerto also from the category C repertoire.
1) The first round: Prelude and fugue by Bach from WTC (Well-Tempered Clavier), classical sonata (Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven) and
two virtuoso studies (Chopin, Liszt, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin). The length of round no more than 30 minutes
The pieces may be performed in any order except the Etudes, which have to be played one after the other.
2) The second round: several pieces by the composers of different styles. The length of round no more than 40 minutes.
The pieces may be performed in any order.
Should the contestant overrun the time limit, the Jury may stop his/her performance.
3) The third round: performance of the First movement of a piano concerto:
BEETHOVEN – Concerto № 3 c minor op. 37
BEETHOVEN – Concerto № 4 G major op. 58
MOZART – Concert № 20 d minor KV 466
MOZART – Concert № 21 С major KV 467
SCHUMANN – Concerto № 1 a minor ор. 54
LIZT – Concerto № 1 E flat major
CHOPIN – Concerto № 1 e minor
TCHAIKOVSKY – Concerto № 1 h flat minor
RACHMANINOFF – Concerto № 2 c minor op.18
RACHMANINOFF – Concerto No3 d minor op. 30
PROKOFIEV – Concerto № 1 D flat major
28. THE COMPETITION REPERTOIRE must be shown in the candidate’s Competition application.
29. THE COMPETITION REPERTOIRE must be played from memory.
repertoire no later than 1 April.
31. Jury members – representatives of the world’s leading piano schools.
32. The jury members are not eligible to exhibit their students.
33. The jury reserves the right of interrupting a performance by Competition participants whose programme exceeds the established
time or does not comply with other terms or conditions of the Competition.
34. The results shall be announced at the end of each round in each category.
The jury points are not to be disclosed.
35. The jury’s decision is final,
not subject to review and appeal.
36. The jury reserves the right to award not all prizes, as well as to award special prizes.
37. The contestants who took the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places are announced as laureates of the XIII International Competition for Young
Pianists «Step Towards Mastery».
38. For the period of participation in the Competition participants will be provided with auditoriums for practice (not more than 4
hours per day) and given the possibility to make a rehearsal in the concert hall (under special schedule) no more than
10 minutes for
participants of round 1-2 and no more than 20 minutes for participants of round 3.